These useful tips can help you out a lot. Every homeowner who's interested in getting the most out of their garage door and preventing a lot of potential problems from happening needs to check out the following pieces of advice.
An unbalanced door can cause a serious accident
When your garage door becomes unbalanced, whether it’s from a damaged spring, cable or some other problem, it should be taken care of immediately by an experienced technician familiar with the door's proper care and maintenance. Make sure your door runs quietly and smoothly to avoid breakage or accidents. Have it inspected on a regular basis by one of our experienced specialists.
Children and pets should stay clear while the garage door is in movement
When you open or close your garage, make sure that children and pets are completely clear of the area. Your garage door is very heavy and can be extremely dangerous. It can easily cause injuries to young children or pets who are not paying attention to its movement. Make it a habit to always keep children and pets safely away from the moving parts of your garage door.
Never leave the garage door remote in your car
Leaving your garage door remote inside the car is an invitation to anyone who looks inside to take it and then have access to your home through your garage. If circumstances make it absolutely necessary to leave it in your car, make sure it is hidden away from plain sight and won't be an invitation for someone to break into your car and steal it.